Wednesday 6 November 2013

Painless Tonsil Surgery?

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Please note that the following is a general guideline/ discussion only. For a full assessment, exclusion of any other underlying cause for your symptoms and an individualised treatment approach, you will need to be seen by a qualified specialist.


The reasons for the severity of pain is due to the large ulcers left behind after tonsil surgery and the extensive nerve innervation. These ulcers tend to slough and get infected due to the large number of bacteria in the oral cavity. Because the most amount of swelling appear between day four and day seven, this is the time that most patient suffer worst pain and potential bleeding. 

(please refer to tonsillectomy operative instructions and talk with your doctor/ specialist for further advice) 


There are number of post operative steps most surgeons take to help their patients through this period.

1) Instruct the patients to eat rough foods rather than soft foods and allow the tonsil beds be de-sloughed naturally. This in turn will reduce infection there by pain as well as the likelihood of bleeding

2) Stress  the importance of keeping them selves well hydrated. Dehydration can compound matters and increase pain. 

3) Give regular analgesia and stronger opiates such as Endone for breakthrough pain (usually after being tested during hospital stay). Some centres advocate Brufen, others are against this due to a possibility of increase bleeding, though unproven. Codeine (pain Stop)  is generally avoided in children, due to some being poor metabolisers of this drug causing potential drowsiness.

4) Give antibiotics to reduce the bacterial load. 

5) Give steroids to reduce swelling-usually intra operatively  


There are some surgical techniques, which can also help post operative pain control.

In recent years new techniques of surgery have emerged. One is coblation assisted tonsillectomy. Coblation uses a much lower heat (around 40-70 Celsius)  and a channel for cold water irrigation. The diathermy used more regularly in Australia produces much more heat (400 celsius) and as a result more burn. 

With Coblation Tonsillectomy, children in clinical studies have been shown to experience less pain and recover more quickly than those who received traditional tonsillectomies. This applies to the  the adult group as well, who tends to generally suffer more with diathermy surgery.  It is however impossible to have no pain after tonsil surgery. 


Our practice uses coblation for tonsil surgery at the Peninsula Private Hospital. 

To read more about coblation surgery, please visit the following website

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